How To Create Flipbook?


Creating a blank flipbook can be a fun and creative project. So how? With Shenzhen Rich Color Printing Limited, let's make it easy!

Materials you will need:

Blank paper (preferably slightly thicker, such as cardstock or drawing paper, 120 gsm at least)--Or just get a Blank Flipbook online such as Amazon. 

At Shenzhen Rich Color Printing Limited, we do large run of blank flipbook, 1000 pcs is good to start. The paper popular in 120 gsm uncoated drawing paper. 

Pencil or pen
Stapler or binder clips

Optional: Markers, colored pencils, or other art supplies for decorating

Step-by-step process:
Determine the size: Decide on the size of your flipbook. 

Common sizes are 3x5 inches, 4x6 inches, or 5x7 inches. You can choose any size that suits your preference.--The large run blank flipbook make in our factory was 4.5*2.5 inches. 

Cut the paper: 

Cut several sheets of paper into the desired size for your flipbook. You can use scissors or a paper trimmer for a neat and uniform result. 

Aim for around 30-50 sheets, depending on how thick you want your flipbook to be. 

The blank flipbook we made with Shenzhen Rich Color Printing Limited was 90 sheets each pack. 

Arrange the sheets: 

Stack the cut sheets together evenly, aligning the edges. Make sure the edges are neat and even.

Secure the sheets: 

Hold the stack of paper firmly, making sure they are aligned. Use a stapler to staple the pages together along one edge, creating a binding. Alternatively, if you prefer a temporary binding, you can use binder clips to hold the pages together.

Create the flipbook format: 

Place the stack of paper in front of you in a landscape orientation (long side facing you). On the right edge of each page, draw a small mark or line near the top to serve as a reference point. Repeat this mark on every page, ensuring they align vertically.

Plan your animation: 

Think about the animation or sequence you want to create with your flipbook. You can choose to draw a simple animation, create a pattern, or depict a series of changing images. Sketch out your ideas lightly in pencil on the first page of the flipbook.

Start drawing: 

Begin drawing your animation or sequence on the first page of the flipbook. Keep in mind that each subsequent page will show a slightly different image, creating the illusion of movement when flipped quickly.

Continue drawing: 

Flip to the next page and use the mark or line as a guide to ensure consistency. Make small adjustments to your drawing on each page to gradually progress the animation or sequence. Repeat this process for each subsequent page until you reach the end of the flipbook.

Refine and color (optional): 

Once you've completed the basic drawings, you can go back and refine them, adding more details or cleaning up any rough lines. If desired, you can also use markers, colored pencils, or other art supplies to add color to your drawings.

Test and enjoy: 

Hold the flipbook firmly and quickly flip through the pages to see your animation come to life. Adjust the speed of your flips to find the desired animation effect.

Remember, creating a flipbook allows you to unleash your creativity. Feel free to experiment with different techniques, styles, and themes to make your blank flipbook truly unique and enjoyable.
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